Our laser platform comes equipped with Nd:YAG technology, the laser and light-based solutions repair and rebalance the skin’s overall complexion and health.
This can provide a wide range of treatments with minimal discomfort and low downtime .
Laser Genesis
Laser Genesis procedure is a no-downtime, year-round aesthetic treatment, designed to help polish and Improve superficial skin revitalization concerns , this also includes conditions like fine lines, rosacea, redness, pigmentation & acne scarring .
IPL ( Intense Pulse Light)
The IPL delivers a non-invasive light treatment that can be customized for different skin tones and aging conditions, resulting in an exceptional skin revitalization treatment with minimal discomfort. In addition to treating sun spots and benign pigmented lesions it can also address vascular concerns like rosacea & redness. It also balances color and improves the complexion.
It treats fine vessels, redness, freckles, sunspots and skin tone. Redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) and light brown spots respond well to treatment.
Treat a broad range of conditions with the Nd:YAG which provides up to 15 treatment applications and appropriate for all skin types. The system is optimized for reliable proven treatment of vascular lesions on the face and lower extremities. this includes spider veins, angiomas, warts and skin tags.
Heat based Skin Tightening Treatment:
This is not a laser, but a novel device that uses thermal energy to improve skin.
The heated pyramid-shaped spikes on the tip creates micro-channels or craters in the skin through evaporation of skin. This induces new collagen formation or neo-collagenesis by stimulating the skin’s natural healing process.
The treatment is fractional, that is, heat is applied in specific, targeted areas with healthy untreated skin in between. This helps reduce healing times and complications in comparison to treating all the skin at once.